How To Clean A Moissanite Ring (Step-By-Step Guide)

Moissanite is one of the most stunning and durable gemstones on the market, and it is quickly rising in popularity for many reasons. For one, it is a hard stone (9.25-9.5 on the Mohs scale), meaning it will stand up to whatever life throws at you for years to come. But if you want to keep your moissanite jewelry sparkling like the day you got it, some minor consistent maintenance will be required. So how do you clean a moissanite ring? We’re happy to say that it’s pretty simple!
Does Moissanite Get Cloudy Over Time?
Yes, moissanite can start to take on a “cloudy” appearance over time, but don’t worry! This “cloudy” dull appearance is simply caused by a build-up of everyday grime on the surface of your stone.
One of the most remarkable qualities of moissanite is that it is a highly stable gemstone from an anatomical perspective. In other words, this means that your moissanite ring should continue to retain every bit of its unique color, clarity, and overall appearance for as long as you own it & cherish it.
So when you notice that your ring has begun to look a bit more dull and cloudy than you remember, you can rest assured knowing that this is just a build-up of surface grime that can be easily cleaned.
Can Cloudy Moissanite Jewelry Be Cleaned?
Yes! You can clean your ring in minutes using a few simple household items, restoring the dazzling sparkle you initially fell in love with!
See our step-by-step guide below to learn how to clean a moissanite ring.

How To Clean A Moissanite Ring (Step-By-Step)
Over time, accumulating a build-up of oils, dirt, and grime on your moissanite ring is natural. When you’re ready to show off that shine again, all you will need is a small container filled with warm water, a toothbrush, and a tiny bit of clear dish soap. That’s all!
Next, follow these instructions to get your moissanite stone shining like new again within minutes!
- Let your ring soak for a few minutes in the warm, soapy water.
- Once the grime has had a chance to loosen up, gently brush the ring and stone with a soft toothbrush until it is clean.
- Thoroughly dry the ring and stone with a lint-free cloth.
- Show it off to everyone you know!
Caring Long Term For Your TOVAA Moissanite
Every TOVAA Moissanite purchase comes with a Limited Lifetime Warranty that guarantees the optical properties of the stone will not change over time. This guarantee includes both clarity and color.
Our Lifetime Warranty covers all TOVAA Moissanite stones. However, it only applies to the original purchaser, for the duration of their lifetime. This warranty is non-transferable and does not cover loss, theft, intentional damage, or misuse.
In the unlikely event that there is a change in the optical properties of your Moissanite, please contact us via email at right away with a copy of your original receipt & warranty ID number - we’ll take care of you from there!